
Showing posts from July, 2020

3 weeks post stroke

Friday July 31 Powerful  Finally!  The long weekend is here...Time to head up north and enjoy the great outdoors. Soak up some sun, jump in the lake, relax by the fire, take it easy.   Oh hang on… I’m in the hospital....🤕...and I’m right where I’m supposed to be.   Exactly 3 weeks ago this morning, I woke up in the hospital in Sault Ste. Marie and the left side of my body was totally paralyzed. Zero movement in my leg and foot. Zero movement in my arm and hand. Speech greatly affected.  Left side of my face frozen. You could draw a line right down the middle of my body… every square inch on the left side was numb.   BUT LOOK AT ME NOW! I’m not gonna lie… I’m pretty pleased with myself. 😊 It’s not something I was expecting to be dealing with right now, but I’m doing it. Learning how to walk all over again.   I’ve had so much great support here at the hospital.  The physiotherapy team has been amazing. All kinds of gadgets, devices, tricks of the trade, and drills to help get me back u

Spasticity 🧠

Thursday July 30 Spectacular Dawn sky this morning Stroke recovery, as I am learning, can be extremely frustrating.  My body has gone from a state of paralysis or flaccidity, to a state of spasticity.  Spasticity is an increase of muscle stiffness and tone which can interfere with making voluntary, or desired movements.  This is where the frustration really kicks in.  To work on this we are doing  passive range of motion exercises were the therapist moves my joints and limbs.  They also use active assisted range of motion exercises, where the therapist helps me practice or complete the movements.   Recovery is slow. It takes time. It cannot be rushed. I have to get my head around the fact that all I can do is be patient and continue to focus on the things that I can control… Keep doing my exercises… Keep working hard with the therapists.... And keep being positive! I CAN...I WILL...I MUST! This video, from last weekend shows how something that is normally so easy, has become so difficu

Room with a View

Wednesday July 29th Today was a great day, in a lot of ways!!!! Physio was busy, with lots of walking, and staircase work!!  The entire Physio team was thoroughly impressed as I paraded around the gym, lap after lap, like a proud peacock.  Time for some video work tomorrow so I can show my walking progress. In OT, had an assessment on left-sided mobility and functionality… They said I was progressing “spectacularly“. So that’s a good thing. All the while, The nurses were busy moving me into a new room…A room with a view!  Technically I had A view before, but it wasn’t very good.  It was into a courtyard and there was never anyone in it. Now I look due East… I can see the lake, the CNTower, and spectacular skies ALL DAY LONG! Jillian came up for a dinner date outside.... Our usual table. 😋 Then this happened… Drive Up Visit Anneke, the kids & Tukker 🐶 ♥️ And then this happened… Mom & Dad Mom on the phone, Dad on the binoculars  I love my family. They just know how to make me s

Step by step 👣

Tuesday July 28 💪I GUARANTEE IT🦵 Working my way step at a time!  It may not be running, or cycling… but recumbent stepping is all I’ve been cleared for so far. 15 minutes at a time. Just over 1.5 Kilometres in 15 minutes...puts me on about a seven hour marathon pace. Not too shabby considering where I was just under three weeks ago.🤕 One step at a time 🚶  Some sweet swag arrived from the boys at the office today. They definitely know how to raise my spirits! These slippers will definitely have me high stepping in no time at all.  Can’t wait to wear them every Sunday as I watch football this fall… Let’s hope there’s a season. 🤞🏈 How ‘bout them Cowboys? Do not adjust your picture....PANCAKE BITES ARE BACK!  Looking back through my posts I see that the last time these were served was a week I’m thinking it’s a Tuesday thing!  I’ll keep you posted on that. Pancake Tuesday  💤 24 MORE SLEEPS! 😴 


Monday July 27th That pretty much says it all.  The thing that drives me. My motivation to get better. Motivation to get healthy. Motivation to get home.   Having the chance to FaceTime the kids every night has been a great thing. I get to see their (mostly) happy faces.  I get to hear about their day and they get to hear about mine. I get to see their smiling faces and they’re silly faces. I get to see them dance, and laugh, and just be themselves. Of course it would be better if I could see them in person and hug them.  But in these crazy times, this is the best we can do.  And I’m OK with that. 25 more sleeps and I’ll be home.🥰 The best part of my day. Every day. ♥️ Since the day that Jillian called Anneke to tell her what had happened to me, Anneke has been amazing!  A constant source of support… there to do everything and anything.  When she’s not working, she’s been at the house helping.  Just knowing that she is at the house with the kids, has given Jillian that extra bit of ti


Sunday July 26th Today was on of my legitimate visitor days. Jillian was here from about 4 to 6:30.  I also had a bonus visitor today, our friend Dallas Nicholson. Dallas’s mom is currently in the rehab wing as well, so she stopped in to say hi and have a chat on her way out.  It was great to see another friendly face from the outside world...every little bit counts. (forgot to take a pic). 🙄 Jillian has become the household barber since Covid began. I was overdue for another cut today.  What can’t she do? BEFORE AFTER Physiotherapist Jen introduced another new tool today, an electro stimulator.  Amazing what some electric stimulation can do.  I have not been able to extend my fingers since the stroke. But with the help of the simulator, the results are immediate and amazing.  It’s a good sign to see the nerves are still active....just a matter of rewiring. ⚡️IT’S ALIVE!!⚡️ Frankenstein 🧟‍♂️ Another Suggestion was to gather a collection of items with different textures to stimulate t

Be full of Joy

Saturday, July 25th Be full of JOY Wise words...thankful for this incredible driveway art by T, N & C.       It was a slow start to my Saturday.  Was up last night playing online poker & zoom chat with the boys.  Much needed poker therapy!  Lots of laughs, and always good to catch up. I also seem to have acquired a new nickname last night… LEFTY.  😆😐 ♠️ ♦️ Poker night ♣️ ♥️  The weekend days are definitely long. An hour of physiotherapy is the only thing on the schedule.  Continuing to work on my walk. I was describing to someone on the phone today, how re-learning to walk is like walking on Bosu Balls.  It’s not so much about a lack of strength as a lack of stability… It’s all about rewiring those connections from your brain to your muscles BOSU: Try stepping from one of these to another one... Let me know how that goes or better yet share a video. Saturday evening dinner on the patio...takeout from CUCCI, complements of dear family friends. The food in my teeth!!! 🙄 Good G

We are not broken, we are just human.

Friday July 24th So yesterday had its ups and downs.  One of the great things about this blog is that I can share my frustrations with the readers.  And the nice thing about that, is that once in a while I’ll get feedback… A comment, a text, an email.  Today I got an email from an old family friend, and with it, she shared something that once got her through a tough situation (coffee stains and all). It was pretty much perfect timing.  And for that, I’m grateful. A matter of perspective Lunch date... OUTSIDE!!! I have definitely been making strides in my walking… Pun intended. But it hasn’t been without a few great tricks and tips from the Physio team. One of the devices that I use regularly on my walks is called an ankle foot orthosis (AFO).  The AFO is there to hold my foot up because I currently have drop foot. Hopefully with time I will be able to work my ankle back strong enough so that I don’t have this anymore and I can walk without the AFO. AFO It was great to be able to show o

Costco, here i come!!!

Thursday July 22nd I knew there were going to be days like this. The tasks can seem menial. They can be repetitive. And the overall improvement can seem so microscopically small.  You struggle.  You cant do it.  You cant move the way you want....the way you’ve done it a thousand times before all this.  And then, in a moment, it’s all too much. You can’t hold back the tears. You can’t hold back the frustration. You can’t help but ask “why can’t I do this… why is something so hard”.   It’s moments like this that test your true character. That test your fortitude. That test your determination.  I was down, but I was not out.  I have the motivation, the drive, the desire. I can’t and I wont let this small setback, define my comeback. I’m thankful that in that moment, my physiotherapist could also be my emotional therapist. It’s amazing what these people do day in and day out… Helping, motivating, and supporting people like me when we need it most. And I am thankful that we fini

Routine Day

Wednesday July 22nd ❤️ I’m definitely starting to settle into a routine here in Rehab.  Breakfast is very hit or miss… Pancake Bites If you’re  wondering, a single serving of pancake bites is exactly 5 pieces.   After breakfast most days I get picked up and taken to the gym for some very light cardio. It’s not much but it’s a start… makes me feel a little more human.   #recumbentstepping The rest of my day is filled up with occupational therapy, physiotherapy in the gym, practice walking, and some much-needed downtime.  Dinner is usually served at 5:30, right in line with the senior theme.  I should finish Netflix right about when I’m leaving here. 30 MORE SLEEPS ‘TILL I HUG THE KIDS!!!! ❤️

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

Tuesday July 21 My target discharge date has been set for August 21.... 31 more sleeps until I’m home! But who’s counting? There’s definitely lots of opportunity for self-analysis here.There are mirrors on the wall, mirrors on wheels, big mirrors, small mirrors… All for keeping an eye on form and function as we work.  They reveal flaws, but they also show progress.  Progress is the goal.   Hall of mirrors   The highlight of the day for me was doing a little gait training.   No, not this kind of gate training... This kind of GAIT training. For this I was going on the BioDex gait training system, which is basically a fancy word for a treadmill.  First they had to get the harness on me, and then it was time to hook me up to the ceiling.   Unfortunately I didn’t get any pics of me actually on the treadmill but this is basically what it look like. The only difference being I was hanging from a bracket on the ceiling.  My physiotherapist Melissa even put on some heavy duty gloves and assiste


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Monday, Monday!

Monday July 20 This meal plan is definitely aimed at, shall we say, a more SENIOR audience.  #wherestheprotein It’s not just about working on a new walk.   Today I was focussed on hand 🖐 stimulation with my occupational therapist, and working on a new oral sensory program with my speech therapist.  I’m willing to bet you that I’m the only person you know that put his hand in a FLUIDOTHERAPY BOX today. Check out the slo-Mo video of the inside… Ground corn husk meal simulates fluid.   My hand is in there somewhere! Now, for a good laugh check out some of the highlights of my oral sensory program... How’s your Buccal Cavity Pull these days? Note the benefits in the small print:  strengthens and tones lips and cheeks. Reduces eye and forehead strain, frowning,and squinting.   It’s like a free facelift... You can thank me later!🙄