Costco, here i come!!!

Thursday July 22nd

I knew there were going to be days like this.

The tasks can seem menial. They can be repetitive. And the overall improvement can seem so microscopically small.  You struggle.  You cant do it.  You cant move the way you want....the way you’ve done it a thousand times before all this.  And then, in a moment, it’s all too much. You can’t hold back the tears. You can’t hold back the frustration. You can’t help but ask “why can’t I do this… why is something so hard”.  

It’s moments like this that test your true character. That test your fortitude. That test your determination.  I was down, but I was not out.  I have the motivation, the drive, the desire. I can’t and I wont let this small setback, define my comeback.

I’m thankful that in that moment, my physiotherapist could also be my emotional therapist. It’s amazing what these people do day in and day out… Helping, motivating, and supporting people like me when we need it most.

And I am thankful that we finished the session with a walk. Always better to end on a high note!

“Knee up, Heel strike.  Knee up, Heel strike.  Knee up, Heel strike.”....the soundtrack of my walks.


  1. To quote Rob Schneider in every Adam Sandler movie
    "YOU CAN DO IT!"

  2. Adam, It’s so wonderful to see your progress in this amazing, inspirational blog. Your sense of humour and strength come out in every post. I’ll quote another movie character: Dory from Finding Nemo: “When life gets you down do you wanna know what you’ve gotta do? Just keep swimming...Just keep swimming...”

  3. Awesome work, Adam! You’re amazing and we’re all cheering for you xo


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